Volume 3 Issue 12

Case Report

Pylephlebitis with Portal Cavernoma, a Rare Complication of Appendicular Peritonitis in Pediatric Settings: About an Observation

Tahirou Soufiane, Souley Abdoul Aziz, Benchekroun Zineb, Kouda François, Haloua Meryem, Alami Baderddine, Alaoui Lamrani Youssef, Maâroufi Moustapha and Boubbou Meryem. 3(12): 21-26.

Review Article

Shock in Surgery

Siniša Franjić. 3(12): 31-36.

Case Report

Chromophobic Renal Carcinoma with Liposarcomatous Component: A Case Report

Y Fadil, W Bai, A Doumer, M Dakir, A Debbagh and R Aboutaieb. 3(12): 37-41.

Research Article

Trends in Breast-Conserving Surgery in Male Breast Cancer in the United States

Yana Puckett, Karen Castaneda, Theophilus Pham and Catherine A Ronaghan. 3(12): 42-48.

Case Report

Successful Management of a Pregnant Lady with Hereditary Factor VII Deficiency Accidentally Discovered at Time of Delivery Without Any Need of Factor Replacement

Ghada ElGohary, Assem Kalantan, Ali Bassi, Abdullah A AlHarbi, Omar Sherif, Khalid ALSaleh and Farjah Algahtani. 3(12): 49-52.

Case Report

Unusual Multifocal and Extensive Presentation of Air Embolism of Iatrogenic Origin: Cerebral, Pulmonary and Digestive

Tahirou Soufiane, Souley Abdoul Aziz, Benchekroun Zeinabe, Kouda François, Haloua Meryem, Alami Badre, Alaoui Lamrani Youssef, Maâroufi Moustapha and Boubbou Meryem. 3(12): 64-68.

Case Report

Unusual Multifocal and Extensive Presentation of Air Embolism of Iatrogenic Origin: Cerebral, Pulmonary and Digestive

Tahirou Soufiane, Souley Abdoul Aziz, Benchekroun Zeinabe, Kouda François, Haloua Meryem, Alami Badre, Alaoui Lamrani Youssef, Maâroufi Moustapha and Boubbou Meryem. 3(12): 64-68.

Review Article

Simple Green Changes for Anesthesia Practices to Make a Difference

Cindy B Yeoh, Kathleen J Lee, Vanja Coric and Luis E Tollinche. 3(12): 01-06.

Mini Review

Flashpoint Africa: How Reliable are the COVID-19 Prevalence, Incidence, and Mortality Rates Reported in Africa?

Lawrence U Akabike, Nicholas A Kerna, Kevin D Pruitt and Raymond Nomel. 3(12): 01-04.