Volume 2 Issue 1

Review Article

Immunotherapeutic Approach to Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck

Timothy Allen and GhazalehShoja E Razavi. 2(1): 28-33.

Review Article

Targeted Therapy in Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Timothy Allen and GhazalehShoja E Razavi. 2(1): 34-44.

Research Article

Metastatic Medullary Thyroid Cancer, Somatostatin Analogues and Markers

Haralabos Koussis, Maria Rosa Pelizzo, Silvia Imbevaro, Gino Marioni, Elisabetta Di Liso, Tommaso Giarratano, Ambrogio Fassina, Carlo Alberto Zorzi, Ornella Lora, Fabio Pomerri, Alberto Banzato, Paraskevi Karahontziti, Pietro Zuchetta, Marco Boscaro and Pier Franco Conte. 2(1): 45-51.

Research Article

Meta-Analysis and Systemic Review of Different Reconstruction Methods for Gastric Carcinoma Following Distal Gastrectomy

Shuailong Yang, Fangfang Chen, Shuyi Wang, Haibin Song, Min Sun, Yuanyuan Chen, Chunxiao Zhang and Bin Xiong. 2(1): 52-63.

Research Article

Shielding Effects on Low-KVIORT Forward Projecting Applicators

Simon CP Lam, Yang Xu and Matthew West. 2(1): 64-75.