Volume 6 Issue 5

Guest Editorial

Criteria for Transfusion of Red Blood Cells in the Critical Pediatric Patient: Take a Look at the Child, Not the Number

Arianne Ditzel Gaspar, Jáder Pereira Almeida and Paulo Ramos David João. 6(5): 27-30.

Research Article

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) Associated with Gastroduodenal Ulcer Bleeding Observed at the Surgical Intensive Care of the Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona University Hospital, Antananarivo, Madagascar

Ramarolahy Rija, Razafindraibe Faneva Angelo Parfait, Rivoarimanana Hanitra Mbolatiana, Rakotoarison Ratsaraharimanana Catherine Nicole and Rajaonera Andriambelo Tovohery. 6(5): 03-07.

Case Report

Septic Shock on Post-Chemotherapy Febrile Neutropenia with Pneumopathy

Rabesalama Fanojomaharavo T, Randriamalala Ruffin, Randrianjaka Hery Francis, Rajaonera Tovohery Andriambelo and Riel Andry Mampionona. 6(5): 42-47.

Mini Review

Implications of the New Starling Paradigm in the Administration of Replacement Solutions

Marcelino Sánchez Tamayo, Miguel Liván Sánchez Martín, Eivet García Real and Lisbet Díaz Fonseca. 6(5): 01-02.

Research Article

Transcranial Doppler (TCD) Interest for Early Care in Post-Traumatic Intra-Parenchymal Hematomas Not Accessible to Surgery

Ramarolahy Rija, Razafindraibe Faneva Angelo Parfait, Razanamarovola Onihitoerantsoa Felatiana, Rakotoarison Ratsaraharimanana Catherine Nicole and Rajaonera Andriambelo Tovohery. 6(5): 08-12.

Research Article

Saudi Board-Western Region-Anesthesia Residents’ Self-Reported Confidence toward Regional Anesthesia in a Joint Program: Cross Sectional Survey

Afnan Alamoudi, Yaser Mandora, Asmaa Zaidan, Hadeel Ashi, Faisal Neyazi and Abdullah Bawarith. 6(5): 13-18.