Volume 6 Issue 5

Review Article

G Protein-Coupled Receptor, an Important Target for Drug Design and Screening

Daniel Chikere Ali, Humphrey Ochin, Cheng Peng and Ye Boping. 6(5): 326-333.

Case Report

Inhalation of Aerosol Sprays can be Dangerous: Case Report

Rouhollah Qurishi, Anouk Bergmans, Anton JM Loonen, HPCM Heijmen and Cornelis AJ De Jong. 6(5): 334-338.

Research Article

Effects of Ivabradine in Patients with COPD and Non-Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: A Pilot Study

Giuseppe Caminiti, Alessia Zarzana, Serena Selli, Valentina Morsella, Vittorio Cardaci and Maurizio Volterrani. 6(5): 343-348.

Research Article

Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of a Herbal Formulation

Nishi Saxena and Ameeta Argal. 6(5): 349-355.

Case Report

Lithium Induced Extrapyramidal Symptoms-A Parkinson’s Disease in Elderly Patient

G Chandana, D Saijyothi, PV Saranya, G Nirmala, V MadhavI and D Ranganayakulu. 6(5): 375-377.

Research Article

Drug Prescribing Patterns in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients

PV Saranya, P Jahnavi, N Surendra Reddy and D Ranganayakulu. 6(5): 378-383.