EC Pharmacology and Toxicology

Research Article Volume 11 Issue 4 - 2023

Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Effects of Root Bark of Ferula communis (Apiaceae)

Betelihem Yirdaw1* and Temesgen Kassa2

1Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Assosa, Ethiopia
2Holeta Agricultural Research Centre, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Holeta, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author: Betelihem Yirdaw, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Assosa, Ethiopia.
Received: February 07, 2023; Published: March 27, 2023

Plants are widely used in traditional medicine because they contain a high concentration of antimicrobial agents, serving as the foundation for medicines. The aim of this study was to identify phytochemicals and assess the antimicrobial activity of extracts of Ferula communis root bark. Plant was collected, and standard qualitative procedures were conducted. The plant samples were extracted with 99.9% methanol and 80% ethanol. To identify phytochemicals found in plants, phytochemical analysis was performed. Agar diffusion tests, minimum inhibitory concentrations, and minimum bactericidal concentrations were performed to evaluate antibacterial activity. The phytochemical analysis of the ethanol and methanol extract revealed positive results for flavonoids, coumarin, and tannins. Terpenoid and anthraquinone were detected only in the methanol extract. The extract of Ferula communis showed an antibacterial effect on both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria in a concentration dependent manner. The average zone of inhibition for gram-positive bacteria was 11 mm, whereas for gram-negative bacteria, it was 9 mm. The MIC and MBC values also varied with the type of bacteria. In all bacterial species tested, the mean MBC value was similar to the MIC. In conclusion, different phytochemicals were detected in extracts of the root bark of F. communis and extracts showed antibacterial effects in a concentration dependent manner. Therefore, further purification and evaluation of the extracts and antioxidant activity of the plant should be investigated.

Keywords: Antimicrobial Effects; Inhibition Zone; Phytochemical; Plant

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Betelihem Yirdaw and Temesgen Kassa. Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Effects of Root Bark of Ferula communis (Apiaceae). EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 11.4 (2023): 11-19.