EC Pharmacology and Toxicology

Research Article Volume 11 Issue 3 - 2023

Insilico and Invitro Optimization of Naringin and Rutin Molecules Targeting DNA Damage in Breast Cancer Cells

Badhe Pravin1,2,3* and Badhe Ashwini1,2

1Swalife Biotech Ltd Unit 3D North Point House, North Point Business Park, Ireland
2Swalife Foundation, India
3Department of Pharmacology, Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Pune, India

*Corresponding Author: Badhe Pravin, Swalife Biotech Ltd Unit 3D North Point House, North Point Business Park, Ireland and Swalife Foundation and Department of Pharmacology, Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Pune, India.
Received: December 29, 2022; Published: February 24, 2023

Discovering the molecular mechanisms of DNA damage response pathways has led to new therapeutic approaches in oncology. Our study optimized DNA damage- targeting molecules naringin and rutin in breast cancer cells.

Our study involved MTT assays for detection of its toxicity and proliferative activity in breast cancer cells and normal cancer cells. Our studies determined the molecules' antioxidant properties using the DPPH assay. The role in reducing free radicals has been evaluated using a variety of free radical scavenging activity assays.

Further evaluation of the molecules was carried out by high alkaline comet assay (pH > 13) to test for genotoxicity. Human Dermal Fibroblast cells (2DD) (1 x 105 cells/ml) and breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) were pre-incubated with Naringin and Rutin (10 µM) for one hour.

In normal cells, rutin and naringin molecules do not cause genotoxicity, but they cause DNA damage in breast cancer cells when they are diluted to 10 µM. The results from our study indicate that both molecules cause 60 - 70% DNA damage in breast cancer cells.

Keyword: DNA Damage; Anti-Oxidant; Naringin; Rutin; Free Radicals; Insilico; Invitro

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Badhe Pravin and Badhe Ashwini. Insilico and Invitro Optimization of Naringin and Rutin Molecules Targeting DNA Damage in Breast Cancer Cells. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 11.3 (2023): 59-79.