EC Pharmacology and Toxicology

Short Communication Volume 11 Issue 4 - 2023

Hyphenated Analytical Techniques in Analytical Chemistry

Kishor S Jain*

RJSPMS College of Pharmacy, India

*Corresponding Author: Kishor S Jain, RJSPMS College of Pharmacy, India.
Received: February 21, 2023; Published: March 17, 2023

In the field of chemical and pharmaceutical analysis, hyphenated techniques range from the combinations involving separation-separation, separation-identification and identification-identification techniques and are widely used nowadays, as they hold many advantages like fast accurate analysis, a higher degree of automation, higher sample throughput, better reproducibility, specificity and sensitivity. They also reduce contamination due to closed systems and offer simultaneous separation and quantification, leading to better analysis.

In the past decade, their use has increased manifold and therefore, it is thought imperative to briefly discuss the latest progress in this field . In the present article, an attempt has been made to briefly mention some information on various hyphenated techniques like LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy), GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy), LC-IR (Liquid Chromatography-Infra-Red Spectroscopy), as well as, LC-MS-MS (Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy-Mass Spectroscopy), LC-NMR-MS (Liquid Chromatography-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Mass Spectroscopy), etc.

Keywords: Hyphenated Analytical Techniques; Analytical Chemistry

Kishor S Jain. Hyphenated Analytical Techniques in Analytical Chemistry. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 11.4 (2023): 05-08.