EC Pharmacology and Toxicology

Research Article Volume 10 Issue 8 - 2022

Examination of Dental Anxiety and Fear Levels of Dentistry Faculty Students: A Case of North Cyprus

Kubra Ozsat1*, Mahdi Ghorban1 Mazraeh Khalafi2, Hulya senol3, Durmus Asicioglu4 and Merve Karafistan5

1MSc, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University, Omorpho, Cyprus

2Dt. Department of Dentistry, Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University, Omorpho, Cyprus

3Assistant Professor, Dr, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University, Omorpho, Cyprus

4Assistant Professor, Dr, Department of Dentistry, Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University, Omorpho, Cyprus

5MSc, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University, Omorpho, Cyprus

*Corresponding Author: Kubra Ozsat, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University, Omorpho, Cyprus.
Received: June 28, 2022; Published: July 27, 2022

In this study, dental anxiety and fear levels of the students of the Faculty of Dentistry were examined. The population of the study consists of dentistry students studying in the TRNC in the 2021 - 2022 academic year. 349 individuals selected by random sampling method were included in the study. The data were were collected by the administration of the Socio-Demographic Information Form, Dental Fear Scale and Modified Dental Anxiety Scale to the participants. Within the scope of the research, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis H analysis were used to compare the Dental Fear Scale and Modified Dental Anxiety Scale scores according to the socio-demographic characteristics of the students and their dental experiences. As a result of the analyzes, it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between dental fear and gender, while age, grade level, tooth brushing frequency, smoking history, frequency and reason for going to the dentist, endodontic internship status, root canal treatment and traumatic dentistry experiences variables were found to be correlated to dental fear. In the study, it was also determined that there was no correlation between dental anxiety and some variables such as gender, smoking history and cause of going to dentist. In addition, it was found out that there are significant differences between the dental anxiety and some variables such as age, grade level, frequency of tooth brushing, frequency of going to the dentist, endodontic internship status, root canal treatment and traumatic dentistry experiences.

Keywords: Dentistry; Dental Anxiety; Dental Fear

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Kubra Ozsat., et al. Examination of Dental Anxiety and Fear Levels of Dentistry Faculty Students: A Case of North Cyprus. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 10.8 (2022): 26-39.