EC Ophthalmology

Impact Factor: 1.841


Journal Info

Journal : EC Ophthalmology
Current Issue : Volume 15 Issue 1 - 2024
Publication Date : January 01, 2024
Frequency : Monthly
Language : English
Type of Publication : Online
Review Format : Double Blinded Peer Review
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Volume 15 Issue 1

Guest Editorial

Organ Clock of Human Body in Traditional System

Ved Prakaash Banga. 15(01): 01-03.

Research Article

Safety and Efficacy of Focused Ultrasound Cycloplasty in Glaucoma at the Central Military Hospital

Ámbar Heredia Gutierrez, Daniel de la Torre Tovar, Elizabeth Domínguez Hernández, Luis Rubén Martínez Nava, Pablo Urzúa de la Luz, Karla Ruiz Peralta and Cinthya Patricia Galarza Alcocer. 15(01): 01-06.

Case Report

It’s the Brain, Not the Eyes

Jamie Talan. 15(01): 01-06.


The “Ophthalmic Hub” - Six Years of Ophthalmological Congress Education in Kiev

Sibylle Scholtz, Lee MacMorris and Achim Langenbucher. 15(01): 01-03.

Case Series

Changes in Intraocular Pressure Influence Macular Edema

Alghadyan Abdulrahman, Aljendan Mohna and Rushood Abdulaziz. 15(01): 01-07.