EC Ophthalmology

Research Article Volume 14 Issue 1 - 2023

The Degree of Corneal Opacity as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of the Treatment of Corneal Ulcers

TV Oleinik, EA Mikhalchenko* and KP Pavlyuchenko

Ophthalmology Department, Donetsk National Medical University of M. Gorky, Donetsk, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author: EA Mikhalchenko, Ophthalmology Department, Donetsk National Medical University of M. Gorky, Donetsk, Ukraine.
Received: December 05, 2022; Published: December 29, 2022

Introduction: The degree of corneal opacity as an indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment of corneal ulcers.

Inflammatory eye diseases remain a serious problem in practical ophthalmology, as a cause of disability (80%) and as a cause of blindness (10 - 20%). The problem of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with corneal ulcers remains very relevant and far from being resolved in modern ophthalmology.

Purpose of the Study: To assess the degree of corneal opacity using a combined method for the treatment of corneal ulcers.

Methodology: The study included 129 patients (129 eyes) with corneal ulcers. The first group of patients (43 patients in each group) received traditional treatment. In the second group of patients, intrastromal administration of an antibiotic into the cornea was added to the traditional treatment. The third group of patients received complex treatment with the addition of platelet-rich plasma instillations.

Result: The results of the study showed that the use of platelet-rich plasma in combination with intrastromal administration of an antibiotic makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the treatment of corneal ulcers by reducing the risk of formation of coarse and moderately intense opacities, increases the number of patients with transparent cornea at discharge by 48.8 ± 7.6% of cases (p < 0.05), and in the long-term period - in 76.7 ± 6.4% of cases (p < 0.05).

Keywords: Platelet-Rich Plasma; Intrastromal Administration of an Antibiotic; Corneal Ulcer; Corneal Opacity

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EA Mikhalchenko., et al. The Degree of Corneal Opacity as an Indicator of the Effectiveness of the Treatment of Corneal Ulcers. EC Ophthalmology 14.1 (2023): 20-23.