EC Ophthalmology

Case Report Volume 15 Issue 5 - 2024

Diplopia in a Child: A Case of Gradenigo Syndrome

Lara Linhares Pierre1, Lucas Linhares Pierre1, Ana Camille Feijão Cisne1 and Paulo de Tarso Ponte Pierre-Filho2*

1School of Medicine Uninta, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil
2Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital Regional Norte, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Paulo de Tarso Ponte Pierre-Filho, Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital Regional Norte, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil.
Received: April 16, 2024; Published: May 06, 2024

Gradenigo syndrome is a rare but life threatening complication of acute otitis media and/or mastoiditis that needs proper diagnosis and management. Clinically, it is characterized by the triad otitis media, facial pain, and abducens palsy. The majority of cases are secondary to infection requiring long-term antibiotics; refractory cases may require surgical intervention. Knowledge of the etiology and appropriate investigations can facilitate the diagnosis and adequate treatment. We herein present a 4-year-old child diagnosed with otalgia, headache, esotropia, and diplopia. The patient was treated with proper antibiotics and showed good outcomes. This case report highlights the importance of early detection and understanding of the clinical picture associated with Gradenigo syndrome, which have a crucial role in achieving desired outcomes and avoiding serious complications. Gradenigo syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis of diplopia.

 Keywords: Diplopia; Mastoiditis; Otitis Media; Gradenigo Syndrome; Abducens Nerve, Case Report

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Paulo de Tarso Ponte Pierre-Filho., et al. "Diplopia in a Child: A Case of Gradenigo Syndrome." EC Ophthalmology 15.5 (2024): 01-04.