EC Ophthalmology

Guest Editorial Volume 14 Issue 6 - 2023

Can a Child with a Mbsie Eye Glasses Be Taken Off?

Wang Hongfeng and Wang Enrong*

Ophthalmology at Songwon City Center Hospital, Jilin Province Center for The Correction of Myopia, China

*Corresponding Author: Wang Enrong, Ophthalmology at Songwon City Center Hospital, Jilin Province Center for The Correction of Myopia, China.
Received: April 28, 2023; Published: May 31, 2023

Can a child with a mbsie eye glasses be taken off? This issue is of general concern to children and parents and is the ultimate goal pursued by every ophthalmologist. I am an ophthalmologist, engage dyslepree clinical treatment and research, experience hundreds of cases of removed glasses, I sincerely tell you: In fact, most of the children with low vision glasses, grow up can be removed. This is because the children with low vision to merge far as more common, farsighted cause caused by low vision accounted for refractive low vision more than 70%, and with the age of the child with low vision, eye development, farsightedness will gradually decrease, the degree of spectacle will also be reduced, vision gradually returned to normal, glasses removed.

Wang Hongfeng and Wang Enrong. Can a Child with a Mbsie Eye Glasses Be Taken Off?. EC Ophthalmology 14.6 (2023): 11.