EC Ophthalmology

Case Report Volume 15 Issue 5 - 2024

Bilateral Coats Disease in a Young Girl

Tall Aichata1*, Ba Kadiatou1, Bamenta Ibrahim2, Wangara Nana1, Diallo Seydou1, Mariko Brehima1, Sidibe Moro3, Simaga Assiatou1, Konipo Aly1, Sidibe Fatoumata Tata1, Coulibaly Breinima1, Napo Abdoulaye1 and Guindo Adama1

1CHU-IOTA Bamako, Mali
2Service d’ophtalmologie, Hôpital Régional Somine Dolo de Mopti, Mali
3Service d’Ophtalmologie, Hôpital Régional de Sikasso, Mali

*Corresponding Author: Tall Aichata, CHU-IOTA Bamako, Mali.
Received: February 13, 2024; Published: May 08, 2024

We bring a case of Coats disease in a young girl of seven years with no particular history following the examination of her fundus, she was brought by her mother for an ophthalmology consultation at the CHU -IOTA for a progressive decrease in her visual acuity. Clinical examination found visual acuity limited to light perception at ODG. Examination of the anterior segment is normal. His fundus after papillary dilation shows in the right eye an intravitreal hemorrhage associated with a serous retinal detachment and a retinal detachment in the inferior temporal, in the left eye we also have an intravitreal hemorrhage with a total retinal detachment. Fluorescein angiography notes inferotemporal retinal detachment, hyperpermeability of capillaries, venous dilation, retinal neovessels on the right and on the left and total retinal detachment. Faced with these clinical and paraclinical signs, we concluded that the form of Coats disease in ODG is complicated. 

Keywords: Coats Disease; Bilateral; Young Girl

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Tall Aichata., et al. "Bilateral Coats Disease in a Young Girl." EC Ophthalmology 15.5 (2024): 01-04.