EC Ophthalmology

Review Article Volume 14 Issue 5 - 2023

A Case of Complete Loss of Vision After Acute Ischemia of the Visual Centers of the Occipital Lobes of the Brain due to a Novel Coronavirus Disease

SA Ignatiev1*, GSh Arzhimatova2, AI Listratov3 and YA Nam4

1Consulting Department, Department of Health, City Clinical Hospital Named by S. P. Botkin, Moscow, Russian Federation
2Head of the Moscow Ophthalmological Center, Department of Health, City Clinical Hospital Named by S. P. Botkin, Moscow, Russian Federation
3Department of Faculty Therapy No. 1, FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenovskiy University), Moscow, Russian Federation
4Branch №2 of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Healthcare “Medical Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia”, Moscow, Russian Federation

*Corresponding Author: SA Ignatiev, Consulting Department, Department of Health, City Clinical Hospital Named by S. P. Botkin, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Received: March 27, 2023; Published: April 26, 2023

Research and description of the features of a new coronavirus infection is an urgent task at the present time. The presented clinical case belongs to the rare section, and therefore is quite interesting from the position of a general practitioner. The incidence of acute ischemic stroke against the background of a Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ranges from 0.4% to 8.1%, and cases of damage to the visual centers of the occipital lobes of the brain in the literature are limited to isolated cases.

Keywords: COVID-19; Cytokine Storm; Secondary Vasculitis; Cerebral Infarction; Ischemic Stroke; Visual Center

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SA Ignatiev., et al. A Case of Complete Loss of Vision After Acute Ischemia of the Visual Centers of the Occipital Lobes of the Brain due to a Novel Coronavirus Disease. EC Ophthalmology 14.5 (2023): 07-14.