EC Ophthalmology

Research Article Volume 14 Issue 3 - 2023

3 Element Electrical Circuit Model of Stair Case Myopia

Peter R Greene1*, Antonio Medina2 and Otis S. Brown3

1Department of Bioengineering, BGKT Consulting Ltd, Huntington, New York, USA
2Ph.D., O.D. Mass. Inst. Tech., Cambridge, Mass. and MultiVision Research Stockton
3EEC & O Optics Research Waynesboro, Penn

*Corresponding Author: Peter R Greene, Department of Bioengineering, BGKT Consulting Ltd, Huntington, New York, USA.
Received: January 09, 2023; Published: February 18, 2023

A 3-element minimal complexity AC/DC equivalent circuit is shown to represent the time course of progressive myopia during the student’s educational years, consisting of a Resistor R, Capacitor C, Battery Vo, and ON/OFF switch. This circuit is accurate over several decades of myopia progression, typically age 10 to age 30, accounting for the average accomodation diopter-hours (work load) from near point study, periodic increases in the strength of negative corrective lenses, individual subject’s time-constant response to the near work demands, and active myopia-control techniques, using positive (+) Add reading glasses during study.

Keywords: Stair Case Myopia; Nearwork; Resistor-Capacitor-Battery Circuit; Diopter-Hours, Progressive Myopia; Reading Glasses

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Peter R Greene. 3 Element Electrical Circuit Model of Stair Case Myopia. EC Ophthalmology 14.3 (2023): 07-12.