Volume 3 Issue 1


Nursing and Health Care Beyond the Technique

Isabela Saioron. 3(1): 16-17.

Research Article

Individualization Process of the Standardized Care Plan through an Electronic Health Record. A Qualitative Study

Mònica Castellà-Creus, Maria-Eulàlia Juvé-Udina, Maribel González-Samartino and Pilar Delgado-Hito. 2(12): 09-20.

Research Article

Truth App: Knowing the Role of the Family Health Support Unit and the Level of the Satisfaction of the Users

Marcela Medeiros de Araújo Lima, Cleyton Cézar Souto Silva and Vilma Felipe Costa de Melo. 3(1): 14-21.

Short Communication

A Glimpse from Behind the Mask: Thoughts from the Old Clinician

Donald W Strauss. 3(1): 22-26.

Research Article

Risk Factors Associated with Suicidal Behavior and its Interpretation with Humanistic Theories in Nursing Students

De Jesús Gutiérrez Campos, Refuge Cabral de la Torre, Leticia Carolina Hernández Esparza, Fernanda Morales Pérez, Irma Berenice Martínez Villagran, Karen Patricia Castañeda Martinez and Itzel Atzhiri Verduzco Brambila. 3(1): 33-44.

Research Article

The Importance of Ergonomics in Nurses’ Clinical Practice

Inês Alves da Rocha e Silva Rocha and Duarte José Esteves Pinto. 3(1): 12-15.