EC Nursing and Healthcare

Narrative Review Volume 5 Issue 3 - 2023

Logic in Healthcare: Narrative Review

Mark E Murdock*

Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida, Port Orange, FL, USA
*Corresponding Author: Mark E Murdock, Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida, Port Orange, FL, USA.
Received: February 22, 2023; Published: February 24, 2023

Introduction: In this narrative review, the author explored aspects of logic which is a dimension of critical thinking which is essential for evidence based clinical practice (EBCP). This article’s aim was to elucidate these aspects of logic and show applicability to healthcare.

Methods: Literature review was based upon Pubmed search of “logic” related terms and “healthcare” limited to free full text, RCTs, systematic reviews and narrative reports. Convenience sample of materials were included.

Results: Deliverables include A. List of deliverables; B. definitions table; C. updated table of critical thinking; D. terminology relations figure; E. sources of logic; F. sentence types; G. symbolism; H. first principles; I. types; J. arguments; K. forms; L. details of types; M. application.

Discussion: Areas of concern are addressed in this section related to a lack of uniform, defined criterion in logic and its complexity limits widespread usage.

Conclusion: This article provides a foundation for enhanced understanding of logic as part of critical thinking and how it can be used in healthcare.


Keywords: Critical Thinking; Logic; Modus; Arguments; Literature Search; Evidence Based Medicine; EBM; EBCP; Education

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Mark E Murdock. “Logic in Healthcare: Narrative Review”. EC Nursing and Healthcare 5.3 (2023): 06-53.