EC Nursing and Healthcare

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 4 - 2022

Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Midwives, Support Workers and Students Lack Confidence in Vaccine Advocacy: Policy Messages from a Pan-European Analysis

Paul De Raeve1*, Elizabeth Adams2, Alison Maassen3, Alba Godfrey4, Markus Kujawa5, Jan De Belie6, Ilaria Passarani7 and Andreas Xyrichis8

1Professor, Secretary General at the European Federation of Nurses Associations, Brussels, Belgium
2Professor, President at the European Federation of Nurses Associations, Brussels, Belgium
3Programme Manager at EuroHealthNet, Brussels, Belgium
4Project Coordinator, EuroHealthNet, Brussels, Belgium
5EU Policy Adviser, Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), Brussels, Belgium
6Professional Affairs Advisor at the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU), Belgium
7Secretary General at the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU), Belgium
8Senior Lecturer at King’s College London, United Kingdom

*Corresponding Author: Paul De Rave, Professor, Secretary General at the European Federation of Nurses Associations, Brussels, Belgium.
Received: February 27, 2023;Published: March 08, 2023

Waning confidence in vaccines challenges immunisation programmes globally. The current article reports on a unique dataset of 3,298 individual health professional survey responses, from 34 European countries, as part of the EU project IMMUNION (Improving IMMunisation cooperation in the European UNION). An online questionnaire survey was developed by the Coalition for Vaccination based on the existing Vaccine Training Barometer developed under the framework of the EU Joint Action on Vaccination. The survey ran between 7 June and 4 July 2021. Only 54% of respondents indicated clear confidence in answering questions about vaccines. Over half of respondents (53%) noted that over the past year there were questions about the COVID-19 vaccines which they could not answer. Only 13% of respondents used the websites of international health agencies, such as the ECDC and WHO, to search for information. There is a clear need for additional training on several aspects of vaccination for healthcare professionals in Europe. Further research is needed to understand the missing link between the efforts of international health agencies to develop information materials and their use by health professionals.

Keywords: Doctors; Nurses; Pharmacists; Midwives; Support Workers; Students; Vaccine Advocacy

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Paul De Raeve., et al. “Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Midwives, Support Workers and Students Lack Confidence in Vaccine Advocacy: Policy Messages from a Pan-European Analysis”. EC Nursing and Healthcare  5.4 (2023): 22-28.