EC Nursing and Healthcare

Mini Review Volume 5 Issue 3 - 2022

Compassionate Mindfulness Therapy: Spirituality and Mental Training

Ana Beatriz Moreno Coutiño*

Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Ana Beatriz Moreno Coutiño, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.
Received: February 01, 2023;Published: February 16, 2023

The need for new interventions that can aid in the recovering of patients with physical and emotional disorders has led to the increase of clinical evaluations of contextual therapies in diverse health scenarios. Controlled trials have demonstrated that mindfulness interventions improve outcomes in health areas like chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and quality of life among many others. Mindfulness practice has proven to be helpful in the deconditioning of habitual behavioral, cognitive, and emotional response patterns, as well as an effective tool for emotional and attention regulation. The compassion element helps the practitioner to not distort its perception of reality, allowing the understanding of others perspective as well as a new outlook of reality.

In reascent times, both mindfulness and compassionate based therapies have been wildly used with very good results. The purpose of this work is to review the components of compassionate mindfulness therapy and refer some of its effects on both physical and mental health. This analysis ends with a reflection of the future of compassionate mindfulness research.

Keywords: Mindfulness; Compassion; Components

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Ana Beatriz Moreno Coutiño. “Compassionate Mindfulness Therapy: Spirituality and Mental Training”. EC Nursing and Healthcare  5.3 (2023): 11-14.