EC Nursing and Healthcare

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 8 - 2022

Education and Domiciliary Care of Disability. Family Caregivers of Persons with Accident Vascular Brain

Concepcion Amador-Ahumada1*, Irina Campos-Casarrubia2 and Elsy Puello-Alcocer3

1Master in Nursing, Nursing Program Teacher, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Córdoba, Colombia

2Magister in Nursing, PhD Student, Nursing Program Teacher, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Cordoba, Colombia

2Magister in Social and Human Development, Nursing Program Teacher, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Cordoba, Colombia

*Corresponding Author: Concepción Amador-Ahumada, Master in Nursing, Nursing Program Teacher, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Córdoba, Colombia.
Received: November 17, 2021; Published: July 27, 2022

Objective: To identify the knowledge of family caregivers on the management of patients with stroke disabilities who graduated from institutions providing health services.

Materials and Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional sample of 37 family caregivers. Structured questionnaire was used, test of knowledge and PULSES profile.

Results: The most common strokes are ischemic (57%) and bleeding (38%). The most common motor disability (95%), sleep disorders (73%), aphasia (65%) and cognitive (30%) subjects showed more care for a disability (76%) with mild degrees of severity 57%, moderate 35%. Was evident in family caregivers better understanding for the management of motor disabilities, information on dysphagia, aphasia, sleep disorders, were excluded from the education provided to 9 out of ten cares, despite being offered it by staff health (92%) to 73% of caregivers, it was such incidental and therefore did not include care for disability present at discharge from the stroke.

Conclusion: Family caregivers face their role with low levels of knowledge about management of disabilities; recommended educational programs within institutions.

Keywords: Stroke; Disability; Knowledge

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Concepción Amador-Ahumada., et al. Education and Domiciliary Care of Disability. Family Caregivers of Persons with Accident Vascular Brain. EC Nursing and Healthcare  4.8 (2022): 10-20.