EC Gynaecology

Letter to the Editor Volume 12 Issue 6 - 2023

What is Medical Knowledge Base?

Valeriy Kharchenko*

CEO Internet Hospital, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author: Valeriy Kharchenko, CEO Internet Hospital, Ukraine.
Received: April 28, 2023; Published: May 20, 2023

Dear colleagues, my greetings!

Let’s spear about Medical Database. What is it? Let’s see in Google. There are many names of it there. For example:

  • Databases of publications in scientific journals and patents;
  • Database of patients;
  • Database of doctors;
  • Database of medical records;
  • Data base of medical facilities. And so on...

Also, different countries have different names or abbreviations of the medical data bases. But I would like to make a shore review of the medical database of the diseases and symptoms and to define what exactly this is.

Valeriy Kharchenko. What is Medical Knowledge Base?. EC Gynaecology 12.6 (2023): 19-22.