EC Gynaecology

Review Article Volume 10 Issue 1 - 2021

Uterine Fibroids in Association with Infertility

Hayat Mohammed Saleh Aljumah1*, Gofran Mohammed A Kwas2, Abdulaziz Abdulwahab R Binsadiq3, Deena Ahmed Alqahtani4, Hawra Abdulkarim A Aldawood5, Zahra Adel Ali Jaffal5, Maryam Raed M Zarei6, Zenab Ali Alobidi7, Ahlam Abdulkarim M Aldarwish8 and Ghdeer Emad Alalawi3

1Qatif Central Hospital, Saudi Arabia

2Silesia Medical University, Poland

3Almarefa University, Saudi Arabia

4Gulf Medical University, United Arab Emirates

5Almaarefa University, Saudi Arabia

6Hacettepe University, Turkey

7Taibah University, Saudi Arabia

8Gdansk Medical University, Poland

*Corresponding Author: Hayat Mohammed Saleh Aljumah, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology and Diploma in Ob/Gyn Ultrasonography, Qatif Central Hospital, Saudi Arabia
Received: December 09, 2020; Published: December 31, 2020

Background: In recent years, health researchers have shifted their focus on examining the contribution of uterine fibroids to infertility. The incidence and prevalence of these benign tumors have been established to increase with age, which becomes highly rampant as more women embrace delaying childbearing.

Aim: The following literature review aims to critically analyze the pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology, alongside treatment and management of uterine fibroids and infertility using current evidence.

Conclusion:Treatment and management of fibroids depends largely on the location of the fibroids alongside the size. Among some of the most utilized interventions used in the treatment of fibroids, include laparoscopic, and surgery using magnetic resonance guided ultrasound. Even though there is consensus on the treatment of submucosal fibroids, it is worth noting that the management of intramural fibroids among infertile patients remains largely controversial.

 Keywords: Uterine Fibroids; Infertility; Leiomyoma; Myomectomy

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Hayat Mohammed Saleh Aljumah., et al. "Uterine Fibroids in Association with Infertility". EC Gynaecology 10.1 (2021): 08-14.