EC Gynaecology

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 8 - 2023

Relationship of Morphology and Chromatin Integrity of Sperm in Aneuploid Blastocyst Development: Embryos Fertilized with Sperm Diagnosed with Teratozoospermia

Luján-Irastorza Jesús Estuardo1*, Durand-Montaño Carlos1, Pacheco-Pineda Josué Giovani1, Ávila-Pérez Felipe de Jesús1, Amador-Casillas Jesús Omar1, Ávila-Rebollar Daniela1, Tomás-Chávez Héctor1, Loof-Esquivel Mónica Stéphanie1, Valdez-Chávez Teresita de Jesús1, Gómez del Ángel Iván Francisco1, Lemus-Huerta Angel1, Villa-Jiménez Catalina3, Angulo-Rujano Francis Erika4, Arcos-Hernández Héctor4, Herrera-Salgado Alma Delia Xochitl1, Rangel-Sánchez Mauricio1 and Vargas-Hernández Víctor Manuel2

1Clínica de PRONATAL (Hospital Bité Médica), Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 19, Santa Fe, Paseo de las Lomas, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, Ciudad de México, Mexico

2Clínica de Salud Femenina, Insurgentes Sur 03810 Ciudad de México, Mexicoa

3Horizontes Clínica de Fertilidad, Calle Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez 538, Coaxustenco, Metepec, Mexico

4Clínica FertiFetal, Salud femenina/Reproductiva/Prenatal, Mayorazgo #130, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, Hospital San Angel Inn Universidad, Ciudad de México, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Lujan-Irastorza Jesús Estuardo, Clínica de PRONATAL (Hospital Bité Médica), Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 19, Santa Fe, Paseo de las Lomas, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, Ciudad de México, Mexico.
Received: July 04, 2023; Published: July 25, 2023

Objective: Evaluate whether the presence of aneuploid blastocysts is associated with sperm morphology and fragmentation.

Methods: Retrospective, observational and cross-sectional study, which included 352 embryos in blastocyst stage, obtained by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) from 131 cycles of patients with implantation failure and who decided to perform preimplantation genetic study of aneuploidy (PGT-A) to the embryos that were transferred to the uterus, in order to improve the implantation rate.

Results: Of the embryos obtained from donated oocytes, only those fertilized with semen diagnosed with teratozoospermia presented aneuploidy (26.6%). The rate of aneuploid embryos was similar when own oocytes were fertilized with semen diagnosed with normozoospermia or teratozoospermia (38.4 vs 37.07%). Finally, no relationship was observed between chromatin damage and sperm morphology.

Conclusion: In patients who fertilize their oocytes with spermatozoa from samples diagnosed with normozoospermia or teratozoospermia, the rate of aneuploid blastocysts will depend mainly on the female factor, this does not rule out the possibility of aneuploid embryos due to the male factor. Different from what was seen in donated oocytes, where embryos obtained from semen diagnosed with teratozoospermia presented a higher rate of aneuploidy.

Keywords: Recurrent Implantation Failure; Recurrent Pregnancy Loss; Sperm Morphology; Sperm Chromatin; PGT-A

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Luján-Irastorza Jesús Estuardo., et al. Relationship of Morphology and Chromatin Integrity of Sperm in Aneuploid Blastocyst Development: Embryos Fertilized with Sperm Diagnosed with Teratozoospermia. EC Gynaecology 12.8 (2023): 01-11.