EC Gynaecology

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 2 - 2023

Quantitative Assessment of the Extraorgan Anastomoses of the Uterine Artery in Women of Mesomorphic Somatotype

Kuzmenko Alexander Victorovich*

Associate Professor, Department of Human Anatomy, Establishment of Education "Gomel State Medical University", Gomel, Republic of Belarus

*Corresponding Author: Kuzmenko Alexander Victorovich, Associate Professor, Department of Human Anatomy, Establishment of Education "Gomel State Medical University", Gomel, Republic of Belarus.
Received: October 27, 2022; Published: January 30, 2023

Background and Aim: The UtA is one of the arteries of the pelvic cavity on which endovascular operations are often performed. The anatomy of the anastomotic branches of the a. uterina is of interest to researchers due to their effect on hemostasis during endovascular interventions. However, the quantitative assessment of extraorgan collaterals of the UtA is not widely used in modern works. The aim of the study was to develop an algorithm for the quantitative assessment of extraorgan anastomoses of the UtA in women of mesomorphic somatotype and to obtain data on the anatomy of these collaterals.

Materials and Methods: The material for the study was 59 cadavers of mesomorphic women (aged 32 to 88 years), who died because of accidental causes not associated with the pathology of the pelvic organs. To achieve the goal of the study, the method of vascular injection, preparation method, somatotype method, mathematical modelling method and statistical processing of the obtained data were used.

Results: According to our data 15 extraorgan anastomoses of the UtA, which is 25.4% of cases were found on the right half of the pelvis in mesomorphic women. Twelve extraorgan anastomoses of the UtA, which is 20.3% of cases were identified on the left half of the mesomorphic female pelvis. Quantitative assessment of the extraorgan anastomoses of the UtA in mesomorphic women on the right side of pelvic cavity can be performed by the formula: X = 0.2542 * Z. On the left half of the mesomorphic female pelvis, such a quantitative assessment can be calculated by the formula: X = 0.2029 * Z. Where Z is the number of mesomorphic females, and X is the number of extraorgan anastomoses UtA, which varies in proportion to the variable Z.

Conclusion: The developed algorithm for the quantitative assessment of extraorgan anastomoses of the UtA with a high degree of probability allows you to set the number of collaterals depending on the change in the size of the study sample.

Keywords: Uterine Artery; Extraorgan Anastomoses; Pelvic Cavity; Embolization

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Kuzmenko Alexander Victorovich. Quantitative Assessment of the Extraorgan Anastomoses of the Uterine Artery in Women of Mesomorphic Somatotype. EC Gynaecology 12.2 (2023): 42-49.