EC Gynaecology

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 5 - 2023

Prevalence of Postpartum Hemorrhage and Associated Factors. Case and Control Study at the General Hospital of La Huasteca, Hidalgo, Mexico

Ocampo-Torres Moisés1*, Contreras-Cruz Abraham2, Quevedo-Azuara Mauricio3, Hernández-Aquino Gastón4, Bautista- Santiago Anaid5, Lemus-Ogaz José Antonio6, Gómez-Vásquez Juan Manuel7, Araujo-Lechuga Dacil de María8, Lazcano-Meneses Jesús9, Ramírez-Almaraz Francisco Javier10 and Mancera-Pérez José Luis11

1Head of Education, General Hospital of the Huasteca, Hidalgo Health Services, Mexico

2Gynecologist, Gynecology and Obstetrics Service, General Hospital of the Huasteca, Hidalgo Health Services, Mexico

3Specialist in Emergency Medicine, Mexican Social Security Institute, Mexico

4Specialist in Internal Medicine, Head of Internal Medicine Service, General Hospital of the Huasteca, Mexico

5Graduate in Pharmacy, Head of the Pharmacy Service, Huasteca General Hospital, Mexico

64th Year Resident of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pachuca General Hospital, Mexico

74th Year Resident of Internal Medicine, Pachuca General Hospital, Mexico

8Undergraduate Internal Physician, Huasteca General Hospital, Mexico

9Director of the General Hospital of the Huasteca, Hidalgo Health Services, Mexico

104th Year Resident of Internal Medicine, Mexico General Hospital, Ciudad de Mexico

11Ocampo-Torres Moisés, Head of Education, General Hospital of the Huasteca, Hidalgo Health Services, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Ocampo-Torres Moisés, Head of Education, General Hospital of the Huasteca, Hidalgo Health Services, Mexico.
Received: March 28, 2023; Published: April 21, 2023

Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) continues to be the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries. It is necessary to identify the associated risk factors.

Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study in pregnant patients with PPH. Study variables age, marital status, speaker of the Nahuatl language, inadequate prenatal care, body mass index, history of PPH, antepartum anemia, history of arterial hypertension, uterine fibrosis, polyhydramnios, multiparity, multiple pregnancy; labor induction, prolonged labor, macrosomic, tears, type and grade, chorioamnionitis and complications. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis, X2 independence test, with a value of α = 0.05 of statistical significance.

Results: Frequency of PPH 2.08%, mortality of 20.8 per 1000 r.l.b. Risk factors detected: age ≥ 35 years (OR = 2.25 p = 0.043), antepartum anemia (OR = 9.7 p < 0.05), multiparity (OR = 2.23 p = 0.0291), induction of conduction (OR = 2.9 p = 0.0060), macrosomic (OR = 4.1 p = 0.0050), prolonged labor (OR = 2.6 p = 0.0179), tear (OR = 5.9 p = 0.001), grade II tear (OR = 10.1 p = 0.0049). Group with the highest risk of PPH: 35 - year-old pregnant women with multiparity, antepartum anemia, prolonged labor, undergoing induction and conduction and suffering a grade II tear, probability of 3.6 (p < 0.00000122) times more risk.

Conclusion: The frequency of PPH was low in this series, however mortality was somewhat high. The identified risk factors will be useful for the design of future intervention strategies.

Keywords: Postpartum Hemorrhage; Delivery Care; Delivery Complications; Hypovolemic Shock

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Ocampo-Torres Moisés., et al. Prevalence of Postpartum Hemorrhage and Associated Factors. Case and Control Study at the General Hospital of La Huasteca, Hidalgo, Mexico. EC Gynaecology 12.5 (2023): 16-24.