EC Gynaecology

Guest Editorial Volume 13 Issue 12 - 2024

Pornography and its Unhealthy Consequences in Challenge with Favorite Lifestyle: Focus on Beneficial Effects of Islamic Lifestyle

Mohammad Rabbani Khorasgani*

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, University of Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran

*Corresponding Author: Mohammad Rabbani Khorasgani, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, University of Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran. E-mail ID:
Received: September 26, 2024; Published: November 28, 2024


Pornography consumption is frequent in different age groups, although it varies depending on some factors such as: genus, access rate and contents [2]. Currently, definition of pornography from researchers with different disciplines have not been expressed a common phrase, but, it can be stated simply that: pornography may be regarded as textual, visual and audio-visual sexually explicit material that is generally intended to arouse the audience and increase the sexual aerosol. Pornographic materials could also be uploaded, accessed, shared and downloaded through online platforms [8].

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Mohammad Rabbani Khorasgani. "Pornography and its Unhealthy Consequences in Challenge with Favorite Lifestyle: Focus on Beneficial Effects of Islamic Lifestyle". EC Gynaecology 13.12 (2024): 01-05.