EC Gynaecology

Editorial Volume 14 Issue 3 - 2025

Legal, Social and Medical Aspects of Assisted Reproduction in Mexico: A Legislative Challenge

Jesús Estuardo Luján Irastorza2, Carlos Durand Montaño2, Marta Oliva Obeso Suro3 and Víctor Manuel Vargas Hernández1*

1Academia Mexicana de Cirugía, Academia Nacional de Medicina México, Mexico

2Centro de Reproducción Humana Asistida Fundación Pronatal, Mexico

3Instituto Sonorense de la Mujer, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Víctor Manuel Vargas Hernández, Academia Mexicana de Cirugía, Academia Nacional de Medicina México, Mexico.
Received: February 24, 2025; Published: February 28, 2025

To the medical community some reflections

In Mexico, the lack of clear and specific legislation on assisted reproduction techniques has generated a scenario of vulnerability for both health professionals and patients. This legal vacuum not only leaves those who resort to these procedures unprotected, but also opens the door to arbitrary interpretations that can lead to abuse, unjustified restrictions and violations of fundamental rights of professional practice.

Víctor Manuel Vargas Hernández., et al. "Legal, Social and Medical Aspects of Assisted Reproduction in Mexico: A Legislative Challenge". EC Gynaecology 14.3 (2025): 01-03.