EC Gynaecology

Editorial Volume 12 Issue 7 - 2023

“Lateral Window Technique” for Bladder Dissection During Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Relatively Safe Approach

Naiknaware Sachin Vijay*

Gynaec Endoscopic Surgeon, Parkview Hospital and Laparoscopy Centre Virar, India

*Corresponding Author: Naiknaware Sachin Vijay, Gynaec Endoscopic Surgeon, Parkview Hospital and Laparoscopy Centre Virar, India.
Received: May 30, 2023; Published: June 17, 2023

Hysterectomy is surgical removal of uterus. Worldwide it is one of the commonest performed operation and most common indication for doing hysterectomy is uterine fibroids (40%) endometriosis (17%) and prolapse [1].

Commonly used approaches for doing hysterectomy are

  1. Abdominal hysterectomy (66%).
  2. Vaginal hysterectomy (12%).
  3. Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy.
  4. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy.
  5. Non descent vaginal hysterectomy.
  6. Robotic assisted hysterectomy.

  1. Whitwman MK., et al. “In patient hysterectomy surveillance in the united states ,2000-2004”. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology1 (2008): 34e-1-7.
  2. KellY WE Jr. “The evolution of laparoscopy and revolutions in surgery in the decade of 1990”. Journal of the Society of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeons 12 (2006): 351-357.
  3. Martin JA., et al. “Births final data for 2013”. The National Vital Statistics System 64 (2015): 1-65.
  4. Sheth SS and Malpani A. “Vaginal hysterectomy following cesarean section”. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics2 (1995): 165-169.
  5. Abbas TR and Osman MM. “Urologic injuries during obstetric and Gynaecological surgical procedures: two centre experience”. The Medical Journal of Cairo University1 (2011): 261-265.
  6. W-Cchang., et al. “Minimising bladder injury in laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy among women with previous cesarean section”. Surgical Endoscopy 22 (2008): 171-176.
  7. Huang KG., et al. “Bladder injury after LAVH; a prospective randomised comparison of vaginal and laparoscopic approaches to colpotomy during LAVH”. The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists 11 (2004): 42-46.
  8. Makinen J., et al. “Morbidity of 10,110 hysterectomies by type of approach”. Human Reproduction 16 (2001): 1473-1478.
  9. Cameron Nezhat., et al. “Hysterectomy in patient with history of prior cesarean delivery: A reverse dissection technique for vesicouterine adhesions”. OBG Management11 (2019).

Naiknaware Sachin Vijay. “Lateral Window Technique” for Bladder Dissection During Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Relatively Safe Approach. EC Gynaecology 12.7 (2023): 16-19.