EC Gynaecology

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 1 - 2023

Endometrial Microbiomes and Gynecological Diseases; Between Knowledge and Practice. Opinion Article

Ahmed Elgheriany1*, Rasha Abdeldayem2 and Ahmed Elagwany3

Consultant Gynecology, Fertility Specialist at Gennet City Fertility, London, UK

2Specialist Gynaecology at Latifa Hospital, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE

3Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gyneoncology, Alexandria University, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Ahmed Elgheriany, Consultant Gynecology, Fertility Specialist at Gennet City Fertility, London, UK.
Received: August 27, 2022; Published: December 30, 2022

The application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods in studying microbial RNA transcripts provides more understanding about healthy endometrium and uterine dysbiosis related to many gynecological problems. The aim of this opinion article is to assess the benefits and limitations of applying this new knowledge and the future areas for researches. A search of the academic literatures was conducted in various databases and studies published in the last 10 years related to our objectives were included. In conclusion, due to the low- biomass microbial site of the uterus, more studies are essential after establishing standardized methods for analysing these microbial taxa in order to avoid the risk of contaminations. Many studies recommend the use of antibiotics, probiotics or prebiotics as a treatment, yet; there is no evidence based pathway for managing cases with proven uterine dysbiosis.

Keywords: Uterine Microbiomes; Homeostasis; Dysbiosis; Probiotics; Microbial Transplants

Ahmed Elgheriany., et al. Endometrial Microbiomes and Gynecological Diseases; Between Knowledge and Practice. Opinion Article. EC Gynaecology 12.1 (2023): 99-105.