EC Gynaecology

Editorial Volume 13 Issue 5 - 2024

Bridging the Gap: Advancing Gynecologic Care in Low to Middle-Income Countries

Daisy Jara-Dulnuan*

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, PLT College, Philippines

*Corresponding Author: Daisy Jara-Dulnuan, PLTCI Luis A. Tiam Memorial Medical Center, Bascaran, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines.
Received: April 21, 2024; Published: April 26, 2024


In recent years, remarkable strides have been made in the field of gynecology, with advancements in technology, diagnostics, and treatment options. These developments have significantly improved the quality of care for women worldwide, particularly in high-income countries where access to cutting-edge medical resources is more readily available. However, it is crucial to recognize that such progress has not been uniformly distributed across all regions. In low to middle-income countries (LMICs), gynecologic practices often still rely predominantly on clinical assessments for diagnosing illnesses, highlighting a glaring disparity in healthcare access and resources. This article aims to explore the challenges faced by gynecologic practices in LMICs and discuss potential strategies for bridging this gap to ensure equitable care for all women.

Daisy Jara-Dulnuan. "Bridging the Gap: Advancing Gynecologic Care in Low to Middle-Income Countries". EC Gynaecology 13.5 (2024): 01-02.