EC Gynaecology

Case Report Volume 13 Issue 6 - 2024

A Rare Case of Left Undescended Ovary with Right Adnexal Torsion in a Young Girl with Unicornuate Uterus

Naiknaware Sachin Vijay*

Gynaec Endoscopic Surgeon, Mumbai, India

*Corresponding Author: Naiknaware Sachin Vijay, Gynaec Endoscopic Surgeon, Mumbai, India.
Received: April 23, 2024; Published: May 14, 2024

With the advent of laparoscopy many in gynecological practice many rare cases are being diagnosed nowadays. Hereby we are presenting a rarest case that we came across while at laparoscopy. A case of right adnexal torsion with left undescended ovary with unicornuate uterus in a 16 year young girl. As we all know adnexal torsion is 5th most common gynaecological emergency. Coming to undescended ovaries its prevalence is about 0.3 to 2%.

 Keywords: Left Undescended Ovary; Right Adnexal Torsion; Young Girl; Unicornuate Uterus

Naiknaware Sachin Vijay. "A Rare Case of Left Undescended Ovary with Right Adnexal Torsion in a Young Girl with Unicornuate Uterus". EC Gynaecology 13.6 (2024): 01-06.