EC Gynaecology

Research Article Volume 12 Issue 3 - 2023

A Comparative Study: Bioavailability and Effect of Organic and Inorganic Zinc Compounds on Male Reproductive System

Oksana Shtapenko1*, Alla Madich2, Vasyl Syrvatka3, Oksana Slyvchuk1 and Yevhen Dzen4

1Laboratory of Reproductive Biotechnology, Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, Ukraine

2Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

3Department of Genetic and Biotechnology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine

4Laboratory of Metabolism Named After Stepan Gzhytskiy, Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, Ukraine

*Corresponding Author: Oksana Shtapenko, Laboratory of Reproductive Biotechnology, Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, Lviv, Ukraine.
Received: January 06, 2023; Published: February 20, 2023

The study was aimed to compare bioavailability and effect of organic and inorganic Zn compounds on male reproductive system development in mice as experimental models. Zinc glutamic acid chelate and zinc sulphate heptohydrate compounds were administered by intraperitoneal route in inbred males, 0.5 mg Zn per kg of body weight, twice per week, for 35 days. The animals of control group received ddH2O. The males were sacrificed on day 14th, 28th and 40th given that whole cycle of germ cell generation takes 8.6 days in mice. Counting, motility, morphology and density of epididymis sperm cells were accepted as a main proof of Zn compounds bioavailability. Morphological changes in seminiferous tubules and germinal epithelium were evaluated histologically by hematoxylin/eosin staining. The mice receiving Zn-Glu showed substantial increases in testes and seminal vesicle weights, extensive histomorphological changes in testicular tissue followed by improved spermatogenesis and increased number of motile and vital sperm cells that was the best indicator of epididymis secretory activity in comparison with other groups. Basic seminal parameters in ZnSO4 group were not elevated. Research data confirmed a bioavailability of Zn glutamic acid chelate and most beneficial effect of Zn-Glu in mice, while ZnSO4 could have a detrimental effect.

Keywords: Reproduction; Zinc Glutamate; Bioavailability; Sperm; Motility

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Oksana Shtapenko., et al. A Comparative Study: Bioavailability and Effect of Organic and Inorganic Zinc Compounds on Male Reproductive System. EC Gynaecology 12.3 (2023): 31-43.