EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System

Case Report Volume 10 Issue 4 - 2023

Tailgut Cyst with a Neuroendocrine Tumour

Kaiomarz Balsara*, Khojasteh Dastoor, Asif Gazi and Shailee Prabhu

Departments of GI and Minimal Access Surgery, Breach Candy and Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai, India

*Corresponding Author: Kaiomarz Balsara, Departments of GI and Minimal Access Surgery, Breach Candy and Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Received: April 12, 2023; Published: May 17, 2023

Tailgut cysts or presacral cystic hamartomas are rare lesions with an incidence of less than 1 in 40,000 They are more common in female patients and can undergo malignant transformation [1]. Most patients are asymptomatic and the lesions are discovered incidentally.

We report here a case of a male patient with a large tailgut cyst who was relatively asymptomatic and the lesion was discovered on routine sonography. After further appropriate investigations, the lesion was removed by a laparoscopic technique assisted by an open perineal approach. The pathological features were suggestive of a tailgut cyst which also harboured a neuroendocrine tumour.

Keywords: Tailgut Cyst; Neuroendocrine Tumour; Presacral Cystic Hamartomas

Kaiomarz Balsara., et al. "Tailgut Cyst with a Neuroendocrine Tumour". EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System  10.4 (2023): 12-15.