EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System

Research Article Volume 11 Issue 8 - 2024

Revolutionizing GERD Treatment: The Breakthrough GEST Procedure Using Endosuture - A Landmark 12-Month Study with Perfect Feasibility and Safety Record

Ahmed M Elmeligui2, Eyad Gadour3,4, Andreas Edenberg5, Gabriel Cairo Nunes6, Luiz Henrique Mestieri7, Harley Pandolfi8, Alberto Ortiz Rodriguez9, László Madácsy10, João Vitor da Silva Lourenço1,11, Ana Carolina Soares do Vale1,12 and Anna Carolina Hoff1,13*

1Adjunct Professor at Angioskope International Advanced Endoscopic Training Center, Board Director of The Brazilian Society of Endobariatrics, Board Director of the Pan-American Society of Endobariatrics, Brazil
2Lecturer Medicine, Internal Medicine Department, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Subdivision, Kasralainy Hospitals, Cairo University, Egypt, Board of European Society of Endobariatrics, Brazil
3Department of Gastroenterology, King Abdulaziz National Guard Hospital, Al-Ahsa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
4Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Zamzam University College, Khartoum, Sudan
5Consultant, Surgeon, Endoscopist, Board Director of the European Society of Endobariatrics, Brazil
6Clinical Dietitian, HC-FMUSP Professor of the Endoscopy Division, Board Director of the Brazilian Society of Endobariatrics, Board Director of the Pan-American Society of Endobariatrics, Brazil
7Advanced Endoscopist at Mestieri Clinic, SP Pontific University of São Paulo, Brazil
8General Surgeon, Gastroenterologist at Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, Board Director of the Brazilian Society of Endobariatrics, Brazil
9Cirugía y Endoscopia Digestiva, Boston Scientific, Universidad de Concepción, Especialista Cirujano General con formación de postgrado en Cirugia Endoscopica Digestiva, Endoscopia Digestiva - Biliopancreatica y Endobariatria, Board Director of the Pan-American Society of Endobariatrics, Brazil
10Professor, Medical Director, CEO, Owner, Endo-Kapszula, Private Endoscopy Center, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine and Endoscopy Unit, Semmelweis University, University of Szeged, Hungary, Board Director of the European Society of Endobariatrics, Brazil
11Nurse, Postgraduate Student in Surgical Center and CME, Endobariatric Nursing Specialist, Head of Nursing at Angioskope, Brazil
12Nursing Technique, Assistant nurse at Angioskope, Specialist in Endobariatric Care Nursing, Brazil
13Bariatric Surgeon and Interventional Endoscopist, CEO Angioskope Inti Advanced Endoscopic Training Center, Boston Scientific Proctor/Speaker, ASGE-Vice-Chair Inventions and Innovations, EBOM-European Board of Obesity Medicine Vice-Chair, PABOM-Panamerican Society of Endobariatrics-Chair, SBENDO- Brazilian Society of Endobariatrics-Chair, ESEB-European Society of Endobariatrics-Chair, PASE-Pan-American Society of Endobariatrics-Chair, Brazil
*Corresponding Author: Anna Carolina Hoff, Bariatric Surgeon and Interventional Endoscopist, CEO Angioskope Inti Advanced Endoscopic Training Center, Boston Scientific Proctor/Speaker, ASGE-Vice-Chair Inventions and Innovations, EBOM-European Board of Obesity Medicine Vice-Chair, PABOM-Panamerican Society of Endobariatrics-Chair, SBENDO-Brazilian Society of Endobariatrics-Chair, ESEB-European Society of Endobariatrics-Chair, PASE-Pan-American Society of Endobariatrics-Chair, Brazil.
Received: July 11, 2024; Published: July 25, 2024

Background and Aim: Gastrofundoplication with endosuture technique (GEST) represents an innovative approach to managing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This minimally invasive procedure utilizes the GEN-2 apollo endosuture device to perform a partial fundoplication by strategically placing of sutures around the gastroesophageal junction (GOJ). The technique aims to enhance the function of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) by creating a comprehensive and circumferential plication, thereby improving the barrier against reflux without requiring invasive surgery.

Methods: Data was recorded on a dedicated microsoft excel sheet and analyzed using SPSS Ver. 27 (IBM Corp, New York). Categorical variables were presented as frequencies along with percentages while continuous variables including age and quality of life (QOL) scores were presented as mean values with standard deviation. The ANOVA was used to find any statistically significant differences between QOL (50), QOL (30), and De Meester scores at the time of the procedure, at 6 months, and at 12 months. Pearson’s Chi-square test was used to find any statistically significant differences between categorical variables (QOL assessments, GERD on endoscopy, use of anti-GERD medications) recorded at the time of the procedure, at 6 months, and at 12 months. A p-value of < 0.05 was deemed statistically significant for all analyses.

Results: A total of 18 participants were enrolled in the study, most of whom were males (n = 11). The mean age was just over 35 years, and over 70% of the participants had initially revisited the Hill grade of IIb. Only one adverse event was recorded following the procedure, and only one patient underwent valve reinforcement at 12 months. Comparison of GERD QOL (50) scores at the time of procedure vs. at six months and 12 months revealed that the mean QOL (50) score was markedly high at the time of procedure (39.9 ± 4.0) and lower at six months and 12 months with statistical significance (p < .001). However, the score was slightly higher at 12 months than at six months. A comparison of QOL (30) scores revealed a high mean score at procedure, a lower score at six months, and an even lower score at 12 months, with statistical significance (p < .001). A similar trend was noted for mean De Meester scores, again with statistical significance (p < .001).

Conclusion: GEST offers promising results as a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical interventions and other endoscopic techniques for managing GERD. Further research is warranted to validate its long-term efficacy, durability, and comparative effectiveness against existing treatments, ensuring broader adoption and optimization of patient outcomes in clinical practice.

 Keywords: Gastrofundoplication with Endosuture Technique (GEST); Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD); Gastroesophageal Junction (GOJ); Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES); Quality of Life (QOL)

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Anna Carolina Hoff., et al. “Revolutionizing GERD Treatment: The Breakthrough GEST Procedure Using Endosuture - A Landmark 12-Month Study with Perfect Feasibility and Safety Record".  11.8 (2024): 01-12.