EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System

Research Article Volume 11 Issue 4 - 2024

Rectal Fistulas: Current State of the Problem, Directions of Surgical Treatment

Denisenko EV1,2, Denisenko VL1* and Gain Yu M3

1Vitebsk Regional Clinical Specialized Center, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
2Vitebsk State Order of Friendship of Peoples Medical University, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
2Belarusian State Medical University, Republic of Belarus
*Corresponding Author: Denisenko VL, Vitebsk Regional Clinical Specialized Center, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus.
Received: March 14, 2024; Published: March 22, 2024

Based on the literature data, an analysis of the current state of the problem of rectal fistulas is carried out in a comparative aspect: the causes of their occurrence, classification, and effectiveness of existing surgical treatment methods. The text database of medical and biological publications PubMed (based on the section "biotechnology" of the National Library of Medicine of the USA) was used through NCBI-Entrez access. The analysis of more than 450 sources of special medical literature was carried out. Despite the presence of a huge number of techniques, both invasive, characterized by a high incidence of incontinence, and minimally invasive, the use of which is associated with a high risk of recurrence, ambiguous (diverse) indicators of their effectiveness indicate that still the problem of rectal fistula and requires further search for more effective treatment methods.

 Keywords: Rectal Fistulas; Anal Fistula; Chronic Paraproctitis; Infectious-Inflammatory Process

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Denisenko VL., et al. “Rectal Fistulas: Current State of the Problem, Directions of Surgical Treatment".  11.4 (2024): 01-11.