EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System

Research Article Volume 11 Issue 2 - 2024

Case Easy Eco: Mobile Application in Basic Ultrasound Training for Surgeons and Emergency Doctors

Pla Santiago1, Cresci Martı́n1, Pienovi Agustina2, Lazo Irina3, Tramútolo Lucı́a1, Badaloni Franco4, Sanguinetti Juan M5*, Gabriel Gondolesi6, Andres Fraile7, Paloma Rodriguez1, Antonella Ronchi8, Eduardo Houghton9 and Florencia Agostinelli10

1Uzhhorod National University, Universytets'ka St, Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine
2Simulation and Innovation Fellow from the Medical College of Uruguay, Surgery Resident, Hospital de Clı́nicas, Uruguay
3Simulation and Innovation Fellow, Maldonado Medical Union FEMI Gynecology Resident at Maldonado Hospital, Uruguay
4Surgery Resident, Favaloro Foundation University Hospital, CABA, Argentina
5Coordinator of the Simulation and Innovation Scholarship, UMM - FEMI/Surgeon, Healthcare Doctor of Maldonado, Counselor Medical College of Uruguay, Eastern Regional, Uruguay
6Chief of Surgery General, HPB Surgery, Transplant Multiorgan and Rehabilitation Intestinal, Favaloro Foundation University Hospital, CABA, Argentina
7Surgeon and Simulation Coordinator, Favaloro Foundation University Hospital, CABA, Argentina
8Surgeon, DAICIM Foundation Staff, Instructor of General Surgery Residents at Dr. Juan A. Fernandez Acute Hospital, Argentina
9Foundation Staff, Head of Service at the B. Rivadavia Hospital, Teacher Faculty of Medicine, UBA, Argentina
10Surgeon in Surgery Minimally Invasive, Favaloro Foundation, IPENSA Sanatorium of La Plata, Argentina
*Corresponding Author: Sanguinetti Juan M, Coordinator of the Simulation and Innovation scholarship, UMM - FEMI/Surgeon, Healthcare Doctor of Maldonado, Counselor Medical College of Uruguay, Eastern Regional, Uruguay.
Received: December 21, 2023; Published: January 10, 2024

Ultrasound is an imaging study that has become very useful within clinical practice, being adopted by various medical specialties, in order to improve the quality of care of patients. Within the framework of the research scholarship on innovation in surgical technology, an application for mobile devices of an academic, accessible and free nature was developed in order to encourage physicians residents and surgeons to acquire knowledge, basic skills and basic interventionism maneuvers under ultrasound, with the use of ultrasound in medical evaluation. It seeks to promote continuous medical training at any time and anywhere. For its development, there was audiovisual material, generated by expert healthcare professionals where basic theoretical-practical knowledge is applied.

 Keywords: Ultrasound; Application; Doctor; Training

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Sanguinetti Juan M., et al. “Easy Eco: Mobile Application in Basic Ultrasound Training for Surgeons and Emergency Doctors".  11.2 (2024): 01-06.