EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System

Research Article Volume 10 Issue 3 - 2023

Acid-Dependent Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract: The Role of Disorders of the Motor Function of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Lychkova AE1*, Ashrafova TR2 and Puzikov AM2

1GBUZ Moscow Clinical Research Center Named After A. S. Loginov DZM, Moscow, Russia

2Center "AMG-ESTETIC", Moscow, Russia

*Corresponding Author: Lychkova AE, Head of the Department for Scientific and Patent-Inventive Work, GBUZ Moscow Clinical Research Center Named After A. S. Loginov DZM, Moscow, Russia.
Received: March 11, 2023; Published:April 10, 2023

Introduction: Acid-dependent diseases, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), are the most common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Purpose: To reveal the role of motor disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in the development of acid-dependent conditions (Barrett's esophagus - PB. YAZH, PID and pancreatitis - P).

Materials and Methods: The study included 16 patients suffering from comorbid pathology - PB, IU, UC and P. The diagnoses were verified using objective studies (endoscopic, ultrasound, X-ray). The comparison group consisted of patients with gastritis C. The motor function of the gastrointestinal tract was recorded electromyographically.

Results: Motility disorders in CCZ include hypermotor gastric dyskinesia, hypomotor duodenal dyskinesia, and spastic activity of the right and left colons. The results obtained indicate the development of SIBO in the small intestine and dysbiosis in the ascending colon. The identified disorders of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract are important components of the pathogenesis of comorbid acid-dependent conditions.

Keywords: Acid-Dependent Diseases; Motor Function; Hypo- and Hypermotor Dyskinesia

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Lychkova AE., et al. "Acid-Dependent Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract: The Role of Disorders of the Motor Function of the Gastrointestinal Tract". . EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System  10.3 (2023): 20-25.