Volume 6 Issue 3

Research Article

Evaluation of Carboxyhemoglobin Levels in Water Pipe Smokers

Sezin Okdemir and Isa Ardahanli. 6(3): 04-11.

Mini Review

ISLET Neogenesis in Man Without the Need for Transplants

Claresa Levetan. 6(3): 29-38.

Conceptual Paper

Adenosine Deaminase and its Role in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Possible Marker of Insulin Resistance?

Karina Costa Coelho Gonçalves and Luciene de Carvalho Cardoso Weide. 6(3): 39-41.

Letter to Editor

Levels of Heavy Metals among COVID.19 Patients

Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad and Sufian Khalid M Noor. 6(3): 12-16.