Volume 5 Issue 8


Role of Body Mass Index on Insulin and Glucose for Breast Cancer Women

Ishita Saha and Rabindra Nath Das. 5(8): 01-05.

Research Article

To Compare the Effects of Aerobic Exercise Versus Jacobson’s Progressive Muscular Relaxation Exercise on Hypertension

G Tharani, Ragipati Jyothi, K Kamatchi and VB Udhayapriya. 5(8): 35-40.

Review Article

Diagnosis and Management of Pre-Diabetes: A Systematic Review

Ameerah Abdulkareem Alsaedi, Lamees Ismaeel Filimban and Salihah Salim Almufarji. 5(8): 06-20.

Research Article

Awareness of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among Young Female Adults in Nigeria

Joy E Olotu and Michael Okon. 5(8): 21-26.

Mini Review

Relationship between Prevalence of Iodine Deficiency and COVID.19

Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad. 5(8): 41-44.