Volume 1 Issue 2

Research Article

Factors Affecting Compliance to Therapy in Patients with Congenital Hypothyroidism in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt

Hussein M Salama, Tamer Saber, Khaled Elbana, Tarek M H Ibrahim and Fathy Elsayed Abdelgawad. 1(2): 49-55.

Research Article

Relationship Between Body Mass Index Values and Different Parameters and Scales Related to Cardiovascular Risk

Ángel Arturo López-González, María Gil-Llinas, Rosa González Casquero, Sheila García-Agudo, Irene Campos-González and Milagros Queimadelos. 1(2): 58-65.

Review Article

May Surgery be the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes?

Claude Jaffiol and Bernard Bauduceau. 1(2): 66-75.