EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care

Retrospective Study Volume 7 Issue 5 - 2023

On the Implementation of Analgesia in the German Ambulance Service by Emergency Paramedics and Emergency Physicians - A Retrospective Study Based on the Protocols of Use in the German Ambulance Service

Sebastian Koch1,2,3*, Lea Stertzing3 and Tim Sauerbier3

1Course in Medical Education, SRH University of Health Gera, Gera, Germany

2Medical Faculty, Institut für Gesundheits-und Pflegewissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany

3German Red Cross District Association Erfurt e.V., Germany

*Corresponding Author: Sebastian Koch, Course in Medical Education, SRH University of Health Gera, Gera, Germany.
Received: July 05, 2023; Published: July 22, 2023

Background and Aim: According to §2a NotSanG, German emergency paramedics are allowed to carry out curative measures on their own responsibility until the arrival of an emergency physician or the start of further medical treatment. Analgesia, as a curative measure, is an important component in the treatment of emergency patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the frequency of analgesia performed by emergency service personnel.

Methodology: Between 01/05/2021 and 31/07/2021, 2,247 call-outs were retrospectively examined for the performance of analgesia by non-physician and physician paramedic staff in an ambulance service area. Data were analysed descriptively using IBM SPSS Statistics version 25.

Results: Of the 2,247 emergency calls, analgesia was provided by emergency paramedics staff in n = 21 ( 1.4%). In n = 293 (38.3%), analgesia was provided by an emergency physician.

Discussion: The study comes to the conclusion that only in a few cases, despite an existing indication, a painkiller was applied for analgesia. This is in line with the current state of research, which cites concerns about difficult diagnosis or lack of communication skills in different patient groups as reasons for this. Future studies should extend the methodological approach with regard to a nationwide survey.

Keywords. Emergency Paramedic; Emergency Physician; Analgesia; Thuringian Procedural Instructions

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Sebastian Koch., et al. On the Implementation of Analgesia in the German Ambulance Service by Emergency Paramedics and Emergency Physicians - A Retrospective Study Based on the Protocols of Use in the German Ambulance Service. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care  7.5 (2023): 01-09.