EC Emergency Medicine And Critical Care

Case Report Volume 8 Issue 1 - 2024

From Toxicity to Brain Damage: The Case of Cade Oil Intoxication and MRI Abnormalities

Abir Lemrabet*, Yassine Zerhari, Hajar Zebbakh, Nazik Allali, Latifa Chat and Siham El Haddad

Radiology Department, Mother and Child Hospital IBN SINA, Rabat, Morocco

*Corresponding Author: Abir Lemrabet, Radiology Department, Mother and Child Hospital IBN SINA, Rabat, Morocco.
Received: May 17, 2023; Published: March 15, 2024

Cade oil, also known as Katran oil, is widely used in traditional Moroccan medicine for its antiseptic and parasiticidal properties. However, it has been associated with serious or fatal toxicity, especially in children. We report a case of a 12-month-old male infant who presented with severe systemic toxicity after exposure to cade oil applied to his scalp and extremities by his grandmother to treat fever and diarrhea. The infant developed generalized convulsive seizures, acute renal failure, and liver cytolysis. Brain MRI revealed anoxo-ischemic lesions in bilateral cortico-subcortical areas of the cerebellar hemispheres, cerebellar peduncles, posterior part of the Pons, and some frontal and parietal gyrus. The infant survived after symptomatic treatment and was discharged after seven days of hospitalization. This case highlights the potential dangers of cade oil and underscores the need to raise public awareness of its toxic effects.

 Keywords: Cade Oil; Katran Oil; Multi-Visceral Toxicity; Acute Renal Failure; Liver Cytolysis; Brain MRI; Anoxo-Ischemic Lesions

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Abir Lemrabet., et al. "From Toxicity to Brain Damage: The Case of Cade Oil Intoxication and MRI Abnormalities". EC Emergency Medicine And Critical Care 8.1 (2024): 01-03.