EC Dental Science

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Impact Factor: 2.746


Journal Info

Journal : EC Dental Science
Current Issue : Volume 23 Issue 7 - 2024
Publication Date : July 01, 2024
Frequency : Monthly
Language : English
Type of Publication : Online
Review Format : Double Blinded Peer Review
Email :

Volume 23 Issue 7


Graphene: The Future in Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology

Arpit Sikri and Jyotsana Sikri. 23(07): 01-03.

Research Article

Advancing Biomaterials with Lithium and Strontium Modified Bioactive Glass: Characterization and Standardization

Labanya Biswas, Abhijit Chakraborty, Biswanath Kundu and Parijat Chakraborty. 23(07): 01-08.

Research Article

Color Stability of Resin-Composites After Staining with a Black Tea

Fouad Salama, Malek Eldesouky, Mazen Alnuwaiser and Ezza Abdullah. 23(07): 01-06.