Volume 20 Issue 4


Appreciative Inquiry: The Need of the Hour

Rejina Shrestha and Amar Bhochhibhoya.

Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Preventive Dentistry among Dental Undergraduate Students

Thelma Farast Bashir, Shiza Khalid, Abhishek Lal, Mahnoor Khawaja M Saleem, Rabiya Sheikh and Naseer Ahmed.

Research Article

Dental Arch Dimensions in Patients with Isolated Maxillary Lateral Incisor Agenesis (Mlia)

Tamouh Kabbani, Yasser Rsheadat, Helge Fischer-Brandies and Wolfgang Orthuber.

Review Article

Baicalein: Role in Resin-Dentin Adhesion

Rajni Nagpal, Meenal Agarwal, Udai Pratap Singh and Madeha Umar.