Special Issue 2020

We the team of EC Dental Science has received an update from Editorial office that the Reviews published in the previous years has got more citations compared to other articles. As per the database it indicates that researchers and scholars in the research community are referring many review articles in preparing the original research articles.

So, we mutually had a discussion with Editorial office to plan a Special Issue on Reviews for the month of February. I am here to express a positive update received from higher authorities regarding the announcement of a special issue. I hereby request all the researchers in contact with EC Dental Science to take part in making this special issue successful by submitting any type of review article of any size and there is no restriction for the topic as you can conveniently prepare your paper on any related themes of Dental Science. So, that we will be happy to publish all the reviews submitted by researchers in this special issue to help the scholars in the research community by providing an inlet to all the researches they will be performing as a source of information

Best review article will be picked by the Editorial office and will be provided with an “Appreciation Certificate”. The author for the best review article will be provided with a complete waiver for the next paper.

Happy to assist you at: dental@ecronicon.uk

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Special Issue

A Comprehensive Review of Basic Implant Impression Techniques

Dr. Kalamalla A Saran Babu, Dr. Ponnapalli Haripriya, Dr. Dineshkumar Perisetty, Dr. Mahammad Rasool, Dr. P Lakshmaiaha and Dr. Yendhuluri Pavankumar.

Published : March 14, 2020