Editor's Column - 2019

Editorial office of EC Dental Science (ECDE) is once again here with a great initiation to plan an Editor’s Column. Topics will be “Dental Management, Oral Hygiene and Health”. The theme of this Editor’s Column is not only restricted to these topics, You can also share your insights on the related theme of Dentistry.

We wish to heartily thank you for helping the journal to reach this stage. The main reason to plan this Editor’s Column special issue is to provide an Awareness among the society with the novel information that you will be contributing. We hope to have the participation of every Editor in association with EC Dental Science to this special issue by making it a successful initiation.

Best Column article will be picked by the Editorial office and will be provided with an “Appreciation Certificate”. Take a smallest step by dropping your opinions to dental@ecronicon.uk for a biggest success.

Latest Columns

Editor's Column

Oral Changes Related to Bariatric Surgery

Ellen Karla Nobre dos Santos-Lima, Rachel Oitaven Neto, Soraya Castro Trindade and Michelle Miranda Lopes Falcão. ECO

Published : August 08, 2019