EC Dental Science

Case Report Volume 22 Issue 9 - 2023

Vertical, Intra-Osseous Impaction of Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor in Association with Multiple Anomalies - Report of a Rare Case

Nagaveni NB* and Umashankar KV

Professor, ‘Garike’ Dental Care, Davangere, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author: Nagaveni NB, Professor, ‘Garike’ Dental Care, Davangere, Karnataka, India.
Received: July 16, 2023; Published: August 09, 2023

Occurrence of supernumerary teeth is the most common dental anomaly which is seen day to day clinical practice. Impaction of the permanent mandibular central incisor is a rare phenomenon usually caused by presence of supernumerary tooth in the midline called mesiodens. The aim of this article is to present a case, in which permanent maxillary right central incisor showed low and vertical level of impaction along with presence of two supernumerary teeth and short root anomaly.

Keywords: Impaction; Maxillary Incisor; Supernumerary Tooth; Mesiodens; Dental Anomalies

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Nagaveni NB and Umashankar KV. "Vertical, Intra-Osseous Impaction of Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor in Association with Multiple Anomalies - Report of a Rare Case". EC Dental Science 22.9 (2023): 01-04.