EC Dental Science

Mini Review Volume 24 Issue 3 - 2025

Unexpected Oro-Dental Pain and Symptoms for Serious Extra-Oral Pathology

Louis ZG Touyz*

Retired Professor, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Related Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

*Corresponding Author: Louis ZG Touyz, Retired Professor, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Related Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. E-mail ID: or
Received: February 10, 2025; Published: March 03, 2025

Dental pain is usually derived from pathology of the teeth gingivae and adjacent bone. Recorded here are reports of unexpected oro-dentally related symptoms which preceded coronary thrombosis, CNS stroke, herpes zoster, phantom dental pain, the arrest of progressive blindness and brain cancer.

 Keywords: Pain; Stroke; Coronary; Blindness; Herpes; Oral Malodor; Phantom; Varicella-Zoster

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Louis ZG Touyz. “Unexpected Oro-Dental Pain and Symptoms for Serious Extra-Oral Pathology”.”. EC Dental Science 24.3 (2025): 01-04.