EC Dental Science

Review Article Volume 24 Issue 2 - 2025

Trauma from Occlusion: Understanding

Paventhan Jolie Coeur*

Mahe Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Chalakara, Mahe, Puducherry, India

*Corresponding Author: Paventhan Jolie Coeur, Mahe Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Chalakara, Mahe, Puducherry, India.
Received: December 23, 2024; Published: February 04, 2025

Occlusal force which goes beyond the adaptive capacity of our periodontium causes injury to periodontal structures and the resultant trauma is called trauma from occlusion (TFO). Several schools of thoughts are there, some do not consider TFO as an etiological factor while others consider it as a cofactor for the occurrence of periodontal diseases. This narrative review determines the effects of occlusal trauma and excessive occlusal forces on the periodontium, including the initiation and progression of periodontitis, its historical background, etiological factors, relevant terminologies, signs symptoms, and advanced diagnostic methods.

 Keywords: Trauma from Occlusion; Occlusal Trauma and Excessive Occlusal Forces

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Paventhan Jolie Coeur. “Trauma from Occlusion: Understanding”.”. EC Dental Science 24.2 (2025): 01-07.