EC Dental Science

Research Article Volume 21 Issue 1 - 2022

Statistical Significance Was Observed for The Responses Between the Participants About Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Toward the Effect of Diabetes on Oral Health in Makkah City

Raghad Alhajaji1*, Afaf J Alhajaji2, Saba A Altaf2 and Ahmad Alturkstani3

1Family Medicine Specialist, Health Program Administration at Makkah Region Health Affairs, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
2Dental Intern,Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
3Registrar Preventive medicine and Public health,Director of Health Programs at Makkah Region Health Affairs, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Raghad Alhajaji, Family Medicine Specialist, Health Program Administration at Makkah Region Health Affairs, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
Received: December 13, 2021; Published: December 30, 2021

Background: diabetes mellitus is one of the most common metabolic diseases. In addition to its several effects on general health, it also has a specific effect on oral health.

Methods: This comparative cross-sectional study design was conducted at governmental primary health care centers in Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The sample size was 222 of adults living with diabetes. The data was collected by a structured survey that included close-ended questions. The data was entered and analyzed by using multiple software programs.

Results: A total of 222 Diabetic patients 112 males (50.5%) of them and 110 females (49.5%), consisting of 176 (79.3%) Type 2 Diabetes and 30 (13.3%) Type 1 while there are 14 (6.3%) patients did not Know their diagnosis of type of diabetes. A response rate of 100% was observed, 79.7% reported that have knowledge about the effect of DM on general health while only 43.2% reported that have Knowledge about the effect of DM on oral health. 88.7% of total diabetic patients regularly Brush their teeth, on the other hand, only 33.3% reported that they do regular flossing. 84.2% of participants know the importance of routine dental visits. However, 14.9% of them go for a regular checkup while 82.2% visiting their dentist only when having dental problems

Conclusions: Diabetic patients need properly designed oral health education and screening programs to increase their knowledge and attitude toward oral health and prevent diabetic complications on oral health.

Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus; Oral Hygiene; Knowledge; Attitude, Practice; Saudi Arabia

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Raghad Alhajaji., et al. “Statistical Significance Was Observed for The Responses Between the Participants About Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Toward the Effect of Diabetes on Oral Health in Makkah City”.”. EC Dental Science 21.1 (2022): 42-53.